Chepelyan Larisa Vitalevna

Full name:

Chepelyan Larisa Vitalievna


1989 1989-1994 1994 г.

Karaganda Metallurgical Institute majoring in Economics and Management in Metallurgy. Professional qualification: engineer economist

2016 2016-2018 .

Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Master’s degree in Management 20-18

2018 г.

Master of Economic Sciences

Work experience:


Work in this organization

From 2001 to the present

Senior lecturer of the Department “Economics and Business” .1994


Senior Lecturer ofthe Department “Economics and Management in Production”

List of subjects taught:

Economics, ore, Statistics, Economic statistics, Organization and rationing of labor, Enterprise planning, Pricing, Organization and planning of production



Increase in qualification:professional development:


Seminars on Clarivate Analytics resources for scientific research. Temirtau, KGIU


Advanced training courses of the Cisco Network Academy for the study of IT technologies

in 2020

Seminar “About taxes in simple language: Taxes 2020”, Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Karaganda region. Temirtau, KGIU


Innovative educational technologies in distance and mixed learning (72 hours). Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Toraigyrov University


Economics and management at the enterpriseand. MES RK Toraigyrov University


Statistics. National Open University “INTUIT” (72 hours)


Kazakh language course A-1. Temirtau Language Development Center (100 hours)


Computer technologies in the field of education. Epigraph Publishing House, Almaty (72 hours)


Production internship “Modern issues of production organization and planning, “, “MARTIM KURYLYS” LLP (100 hours)


Labor economics. ТОО «Consultant LLP» (72haca)


Organization and planning of production. Proteching LLP (72haca)

ЧEmployment in professional organizations::

Since 1994 years

Education Workers

Trade Unionpublications and presentations:

2019 г.

Stimulating labor in the personnel management system: monograph. Karaganda

2019 г.

Educational and methodical manual “Enterprise activity planning” with the ISBN index, Almaty: RIC publication on educational and methodical literature

2019. г.

Research on the demand for university graduates in the labor market, article in the scientific and practical journal “Higher School”, Ufa

2020 y.

Using a balanced system of indicators for the implementation of educational programs in higher education institutions, article in the scientific and practical journal “Higher School”, Ufa

2020 , 2020.

Social entrepreneurship as an integral part of entrepreneurial education. Proceedingsofой the International scientific andой methodological conferenceи “Architectonics of the educational space: trends and challenges dedicated to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan”,

2021 2021

. Analysis of employment and unemployment in the labor market in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Science in the twenty-first century: innovation potential development// Collection of scientific articles on the materials of the V International scientific and practical conference, the city of Ufa

2021 g.

WCM methodology as an effective production management tool, article in the scientific and practical journal “Higher School”, Ufa

2021 г.

Modern approaches to the organization of production. Proceedings of the international scientific conference “Innovative Technologies and Engineering” dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic

2022of Kazakhstan2022

Жоғарғы оқу орнында экономикалық бейіндегі білім беру бағдарламаларын жобалауға және іске асыруға стратегиялық көзқарас. Journal “Bulletin of Karaganda State Industrial University” No. 1 (36) 2022

2022 2022

Statistical analysis of air pollution indicators in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Article inthe journalе “Scientific News”, Rostov-on-Don

2022 2022

Analysis and prospects of the tourism industry development in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Proceedings of the International scientific and practical conference “Scientific Research in the Modern World: experience, problems and development Prospects”, Ufa

2022 г.

Materiality in accounting. Статья в журнале «Colloquium-journal», г.Варшава

2022 г.

Компания ѳнiмдiлiгiм басқару кұралы ретiндегi KPI жүйесi. Article in the journal “Bulletin of Karaganda State Industrial University”

2023 2023

1 quartile (percentile 99-75%) «Thermodynamic Simulation of Environmental and Population Protection by Utilization of Technogenic Tailings of Enrichment». Статья в журнале «Materials Magazine Article» Volume 15 Issue 19 10.3390 / ma15196980

2023 г.

Assessment of the readiness of students in the direction 6B041 “Business and Management” to study using distance learning

Тtechnologies. Proceedings of the Republican Scientific and Methodological Conference “Innovative Approaches in Education”, Temirtau

2023 2023

Global Innovation Index(GII): assessment of the innovation potential of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference ” XV Saginovsky Readings. Integration of education, science and production”, Karaganda

2023 г.

Textbook “Statistics” with ISBN index, Almaty: RIC publication on educational and methodical literature

2023 г.

Educational and methodical manual “Organization andланирование planning of production” with the ISBN index, Almaty: RIC publication on educational and methodical literature

Дadditional information:

Curator of the secondcourse of economic specialties, responsible for the educational programs “Business Economics”