of the Faculty of Economics and Construction
Dean's Blog
Telephone: 8 701 489 9062
Temirtau, Republic ave. 30,
new housing,
office 320
Facebook, Instagram
Student admission schedule: daily
Time: 10:00 — 17:00
(in addition to the time of scheduled classes)
Lunch: 13:00 — 14:00
new housing, office 320
The faculty was established in 1970 and was originally called Engineering and Construction. In 1989, after the transformations that took place at the Institute, it was renamed Chemical Technology. In 1999, the Kazakh department was introduced into the Faculty of Chemistry and Technology. In 2004 it was renamed the Faculty of Economics and Construction, then in 2008 it was reorganized into the Faculty of Economics. In 2012, the Faculty of Economics and Construction was established.
The faculty is constantly developing. New courses are being created in the most relevant areas of training specialists, the material base of the faculty is expanding. Students receive a fundamental education and immerse themselves in scientific research in their chosen areas of construction, modern economics, accounting and auditing, and management.
The achievements of the faculty today have become possible thanks to the enthusiasm and creativity of several generations of scientists who have worked and are working at the faculty today.
The staff of the Faculty of Economics and Construction has huge plans to improve the learning process and further increase the effectiveness of scientific research in accordance with the requirements of the time. The faculty has sufficient potential to successfully implement the planned plans. We believe that our faculty will carry its banner high and will forever remain in the hearts of students, graduates, staff and teachers.
The training of specialists is conducted in accordance with the credit system of training.
The deans of the faculty since its formation have been: Kurleutov E.M., Shulga E.P., Konov A.V., Kotenko V.A., Arbuzov V.A., Stepanov A.T., Lukin G.P., Kargin D.B., Bazarov B.A., Zhaksybaeva G.Sh., Zhabalova G.G., Biryukov V.V., Davletbaeva N.B..,Silaeva O.V., Kharchenko E.M.,Niyazov T.Zh. From October 2023 to the present, the dean of the faculty is the master of economics Aldabayeva Asem Eginbayevna.
Currently , the faculty consists of 4 departments:
- Department of "Economics and Business" (Head of the Department – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Silaeva Olga Viktorovna);
- Department of "Construction" (Head of the Department – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Bazarov Baurzhan Anuarkhanovich);
- Department of "General Education Disciplines" (acting head of the department – m.g.n., senior lecturer Kapasheva Zhania Kudaibergenovna);
- Department "Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan".
Two departments: "Economics and Business" and "Construction" are graduates.
The faculty currently employs a highly qualified teaching staff, including 3 Doctors of Sciences, 11 Candidates of Sciences, 2 PhD, 24 Masters of Sciences.
Students study both disciplines according to the profile of the chosen educational program, and general professional, natural-scientific and socio-humanitarian character. Students acquire professional skills according to the educational program during practical training at the enterprises of the city and the Republic. There is an opportunity to study at other universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad under the academic mobility program. Foreign specialists are invited to teach students.