The Technology Commercialization Office is a structural subdivision of the University's DNIiMS, which is engaged in the commercialization of the results of scientific and technical activities. The main purpose of the office is the introduction and implementation of innovative technologies, developments, intellectual property and products to the market, as well as the creation of startup companies.
To achieve this goal, the Technology Commercialization Office performs the following tasks:
Search and evaluation of technologies for commercialization;
Marketing research;
Providing methodological support to scientists in the field of technology commercialization;
Development of a technology commercialization strategy;
Conducting information activities in the field of popularization of the idea of technology commercialization at the university;
Organization and monitoring of the process for the development of the justification of the concept of projects;
Support of innovative projects for their further commercialization.
The main functions of the Technology Commercialization Office:
Analysis of information on scientific developments of the university, identification of inventions and technologies with commercial potential - business ideas;
Managing the process of commercialization of business ideas, assistance in determining the optimal way to the market;
Identification and promotion of business ideas in the field of research services;
Technical consulting, analytical services; work with outside experts in all areas of commercialization;
Conducting preliminary marketing research in support of potential projects;
Identifying and establishing relationships with potential business partners;
Identification and search for sources of financing for the commercialization of selected developments;
Presentation of developments at competitions, exhibitions, etc.;
Provision of consulting services in the field of intellectual property protection;
Creation of innovative projects related to the creation of a new enterprise (participation of the university and its employees as founders, transfer of university employees to work in a newly created enterprise, registration of contractual relations between the university and the new enterprise, consulting in the development of a business project, assistance in finding sources of capital);
Search and analysis of information on technological requests in market sectors related to the scientific activities of university staff.
As part of its activities, the Technology Commercialization Office analyzes information about the university's scientific developments, conducts marketing research, helps scientists and research groups develop a commercialization strategy, provides advice and methodological support in the field of technology commercialization.
In addition, the Technology Commercialization Office organizes and monitors the process of developing a project concept justification, accompanies innovative projects for their further commercialization, provides technical consulting, analytical services and work with outside experts in all areas of commercialization.
The Technology Commercialization Office is also engaged in the search and analysis of information on technological requests in market sectors related to the scientific activities of university staff, identifying and establishing contacts with potential business partners, finding sources of financing for the commercialization of selected developments, as well as providing consulting services in the field of intellectual property protection.
The Technology Commercialization Office is an important component of the development of the university's innovation potential, allowing the most effective use of scientific potential and the development of commercialization of scientific developments and the creation of innovative projects, which contributes to the competitiveness of the university at the national and international levels. In addition, the Technology Commercialization Office is a bridge between the university and the business community, contributing to the development of mutually beneficial partnerships and attracting investments in the scientific and technical sphere.
In general, the Technology Commercialization Office is an important link in the scientific and technical activities of the university, ensuring the transition from scientific development to a commercial product and contributing to the disclosure of the innovative potential of the university as a whole.
Abdukadyrov Nurdaulet Muratovich