On September 7, 2023, a meeting of student self-government with first-year students was held at Karaganda Industrial University.
The Rector’s Advisor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Umirbek Umbetovich Umbetov addressed the first-year students of all specialties with a welcoming speech. The meeting was attended by the deans of three faculties, heads of dormitories, curators of student groups. The invited guests Dilnaz Serikova, the head of the volunteer center “Shanyrak” and Nauryz Elemesov, the director of the Youth Resource Center of Temirtau, also spoke.
During the meeting, our first-year students were able to learn more about the structure of the university, get acquainted with the deans of their faculties, the heads of dormitories and the basic rules of living in them, get acquainted with the general principles of student self-government and student councils, as well as joint work plans of the Department for Educational Work and Youth Policy with the volunteer center “Shanyrak” and Youth the resource center of the city of Temirtau.
During the conversation, the structure of the Youth Affairs Committee and the CarIU Student Parliament was examined in detail, a questionnaire was conducted to identify activists among first-year students in order to involve them in future events.
It’s no secret that student self-government plays a huge role in the life of our university, it is a very important and responsible job. The activities of the organization of student self-government of CarIU are aimed at improving the educational process aimed at quality education, education of spirituality and culture of students, the growth of social activity and responsibility among students. Within the framework of the meeting, a video was presented, where the first-year students present were able to determine for themselves the importance of participation in student self-government.
The students asked many important questions and received detailed answers to them.
The meeting was held in an atmosphere of mutual understanding. At the end of the event, a platform was organized for students, where everyone could enroll in clubs of interest, thereby becoming part of the extracurricular life of the university.
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