Mass Open on-line courses (MOOC)


Массовые открытые on-line курсы Карагандинского индустриального университета


MOOCs in the educational process

MOOС is an electronic course that includes video lectures, educational materials (text lecture notes, practical tasks), knowledge testing (tests and final exams). The authors of the courses are university professors.

The main advantages of MOOC are:

– the possibility of learning in an individual rhythm, the use of modern techniques and materials, the variety of courses offered;

– assistance in realizing the potential of students and “developing their professional and personal qualities”;

– providing materials for students’ independent work, ensuring automatic or mutual (cross-) evaluation of student papers;

– implementation of problem-oriented learning through the integration of disciplines implemented at the university with the MOOCs of leading teachers;

– accessibility and mobility of training.

Models of using MOOC in the educational process:

Model 1. Exclusively MOOCs: a complete replacement for discipline. In this case, there may be: mandatory MOOC courses – courses selected by the Commission, corresponding to the disciplines of the curriculum of the educational program; MOOC courses of the student’s choice – courses independently selected by the student from the proposed OVPO catalog, including courses of one or more MOOC platforms.

Model 2. MOOC support: MOOC is used as an additional material for the discipline in its traditional implementation as an independent student’s work, with or without the use of “inverted classroom” technology.

Model 3. Mixed learning “+MOOC”: partial replacement of classroom classes (mainly lectures), as well as partial transfer of individual MOOC topics with or without the use of “inverted classroom” technology.

Model 4. Mixed learning “MOOC+”: the use of MOOCs with partial preservation of lectures, practical and seminar classes, as well as the use of MOOC training results for current certification and final control of the discipline.

Catalog of recommended courses

Coursera 50 courses in Kazakh and Russian languages. Part 1
Coursera 50 courses in Kazakh and Russian languages. Part 2урсов на казахском языке. Часть 2