In order to generalize the experience of methodological work accumulated in the team, improve the pedagogical skills of teachers, activate the cognitive and practical activities of students, expand their horizons and develop creative abilities, methodological weeks are traditionally held at the Karaganda Industrial University.
In the period from November 21 to November 25, 2023, within the framework of the methodological week, a number of events were held at the Department of Energy aimed at mastering and implementing new approaches for the formation of a modern educational environment.
The teacher of the department Asabina N.N. held an open lesson using a collection of templates of didactic games of the Wordwall online service. This made it possible to evaluate knowledge both in a group format with the help of an interactive whiteboard, and individually with the help of students gadgets.
Speaking online, the director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Electromechanics, Energy Conservation and Control Systems, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Kremenchug National University named after Mikhail Ostrogradsky Cherny A.P. shared his rich experience. He gave an open lecture using problem situations, as well as effectively combining frontal, pair and group work, which forced students to think, look for a way out, reason, and experience the joy of a correctly found solution.
Senior lecturer of the Department of «Power Engineering» Kamarova S.N. for teaching staff, undergraduates and doctoral students held a master class «We patent law». She told how to prepare documents for filing applications for patents and copyright certificates.
For students of EPO-23k, a curatorial hour was held on the topic «Meeting of graduates of the Serpin program with students», at which the first graduates of this program, and at the moment the teacher of the Department of «Power Engineering» Smile A.A. and the doctoral student of the Department of TII Batyrbek A.E. shared their experience of study and research work. We hope that this will increase the interest and motivation of students to study and engage in science.
And at the end of the methodical week, a fun and entertaining intellectual quiz was held for 1st and 2nd year students, the purpose of which was to get to know students of different groups and specialties more closely in an informal setting and to activate cognitive activity.
The library of the Karaganda Industrial University organized an exhibition of educational and methodological literature of the department.
The events were held at a very high methodological and organizational level and all the goals and objectives of the methodological week were achieved.