The dedication of first-year students to students took place at the Karaganda Industrial University!
On November 16, the dedication of First-year students to students took place in КarIU.
During the “KarIU FEST”, the Chairman of the Board – Rector of the University Bolatbek Abdrasilov addressed the first-year students with words of farewell.
Bolatbek Serikbayevich congratulated our first-year students on one of the most important undertakings in their lives. During the parting words, the rector emphasized both the main achievements of the Karaganda Industrial University, which is a unique higher educational institution, one of the best specialized technical universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and noted the importance of student years.
Today, КarIU is strengthening its position in the world and national rankings, successfully implementing strategic and scientific projects, and preparing a new generation of leaders. The university has all the conditions for successful studies, science, sports and creativity. The University deservedly takes its place among the leading universities of the country.
It should be noted that initiation into students is an important and exciting event in the life of every student. At the initiative of yesterday’s student, a new adult student life begins, which symbolizes greater freedom and at the same time greater responsibility.
As part of the festive concert, the children were congratulated by the creative teams of КarIU, and students of all three of our faculties and the Technical and Economic College held dance flash mobs.
The first—year students also took the oath of a КarIU student – a solemn promise to be diligent students, take advantage of the opportunities offered by the university, and successfully complete their studies with a КarIU diploma.
Musical numbers, warm words and a special atmosphere — the day of initiation into students is always especially pleasing. From the first day at our university, every first-year student gets every opportunity to develop, become more successful and achieve any goals. There are four years of student life ahead — bright, interesting and versatile.
The solemn event ended with a festive disco.
More than 700 students took part in the event.
Dear Freshmen, congratulations once again on the fact that you have officially become students of КarIU!
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