On January 15 of this year, the teacher-career guidance counselor of the Zhas Alash school No. 14 of the Maktaral district of Turkestan region: Turumova Gulsara Tuimebaevna organized a meeting of 11th grade students on the topic “Buhingi okushi yertengi student”. During the meeting, students of the PI-22k-2 group of Karaganda Industrial University Mamyrayim Medet and Zhandosov Zhenis actively conducted career guidance work, during which they told the school students about the educational programs of Karaganda Industrial University. Our students also shared with the students their stories about choosing a university, why they chose our university, told about passing exams on the unified national testing, about CarIU grants and scholarship programs, as well as about the advantages of studying at CarIU and active student life.
We thank the Faculty
of Energy, Transport and Management Systems for the photos and videos provided!
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