Karaganda Industrial University is among the best
On March 1 of this year, on the Day of Gratitude in Turkestan, on the basis of the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Kozh Ahmet Yasawi, a symposium was held on the topic “Kazakh tili – gylym tili: dastur zhane innovation”
During the symposium with the participation of Minister of Science and Higher Education Sayasat Nurbekovich, the best researchers and university teachers, winners of the contests “Best Researcher-2023” and “Best University Teacher-2023” were awarded
As a result of the competition “The best university teacher-2023”, 150 teachers from 43 universities of Kazakhstan became winners, and the senior lecturer of the Department of Metallurgy and Materials Science of Karaganda Industrial University, PhD Kuatbai Erbol Kuatbayuly was awarded the title “The best university teacher-2023”, and was also awarded a special badge and a prize in the amount of 2000 MCI.
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