On May 15, 2024, the annual LIV Republican Scientific and Practical conference "Youth, Science and Technology: ways of improvement and integration" was held at Karaganda Industrial University. The conference was attended by young scientists, doctoral students, undergraduates and students from the Karaganda region, as well as from foreign countries (Afghanistan). This conference was the 54th in a row.

It is worth noting that the scientific and practical conference is an effective form of pedagogical interaction between teachers and students, as a necessary stage in the organization of their research activities.

The acquisition of skills in the preparation of reports, reports on conducted research, skills in public presentation of the results obtained and their justification at a scientific and practical conference contribute to the formation of a reflective culture, communicative abilities of students.

Plenary and breakout sessions were held within the framework of the conference.

Welcoming remarks were made by Member of the Board - Vice-Rector for Scientific Work and International Relations; Candidate of Chemical Sciences Makhmutov Bolat Bizhanuly; member of the Board - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs; Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Galina Sivyakova.

During the plenary session, speakers were Abdirashit Asylbek Miramkhanuly (3rd year doctoral student OP 8D07202 – "Metallurgy of ferrous and non-ferrous metals" КarIU); Vladislav I. Kazakov (first year master's student OP 7M07103 "Engineering of technological equipment" КarIU); Fayez Wazani A.W., first year master's student 7M04103 "Economics" КarIU); Umbetbayev Altynbek Aybekuly, a second-year student of OP 6B06101 "Software Engineering" КarIU).

One of the most striking presentations was a report by Fayez Wazani A.W., a graduate student from Afghanistan in English.

- The conference was an incredible experience for me, - admitted Fayez Wazani A.W. – It is an excellent platform for exchanging ideas, learning from other specialists in various fields and communicating with like-minded people. It was very important for me to participate in the conference, as it allowed me to gain valuable new knowledge. Overall, it was a truly enriching and eventful experience. Thank you for inspiring me to take part in this.

Following the plenary session, the conference continued within the sections: technical sciences, information technology and artificial intelligence, economic sciences and management, social sciences and humanities. 40 speakers made presentations. In total, over 200 scientific articles were submitted for participation in the conference. The authors of the best of them were awarded diplomas and valuable gifts.

- All of you: students, undergraduates, doctoral students are the elite of our university. Our university is in no way inferior to any university in Kazakhstan. It is noted that we have a lot of achievements. We were the first to create the Department of artificial intelligence, we have the best metallurgical melting shop, we have the best department of pharmaceutical production technology in Kazakhstan, the "Silver" University and much more. And all this goes to the development of our region and not only," the acting Chairman addressed the participants of the scientific and practical conference. Chairman of the Board - Rector of NAO "NAO "Karaganda Industrial University", Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Bakhyt Akhatovich Zhautikov. - Today you actively participated in a large conference and showed your knowledge. Opportunities for further growth will be provided to all of you, we will definitely support you all so that you can study science, travel around the world and demonstrate your achievements.

A collection of materials will be published at the end of the conference.

List of awardees:

Section 1

1st place - Mynzhasar E.

2nd place - Aikenbayeva N.

3rd place – I. Akmalova.

Section 2

1st place – N. Shakhov

2nd place – Kalmyrza N.

3rd place – Pavlov A.

Section 3

1st place – Uzbekbayev B.

2nd place – Davletshin I., Khabelashvili L.

3rd place – A.T. Dzhaksylykova.

Section 4

1st place – Kolokolnikov A.

2nd place – Nurdilla A.

3rd place – Birgonova U., Makarova E.