In the first part of the meeting, Chairman of the Board – Rector Bakhyt Akhatovich Zhautikov congratulated the university staff on awarding academic titles and held an award ceremony. In particular, thanks from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education were awarded:

- Member of the Board -Vice-Rector for NRiMS Makhmutov Bolat Bizhanuly;

- Head of the Department of MiM Yerzhanov Almas Satybaldyevich;

- senior lecturer of the Department of TII Bayasilova Zuhra Anuarkyzy;

- senior lecturer of the Department of OMD Kuzminova Nadezhda Yurievna.

- senior lecturer of the Department of "Energy" Kuntush Elena Viktorovna;

- Senior lecturer of the Department of Economics and Business Latypova Marina Alexandrovna;

- Senior lecturer of the Department of OOD Galina Mikhailovna Kholodova;

- acting head of the department of OOD Kapasheva Zhania Kudaibergenkyzy;

- teacher of the Department of OOD Druzhinina Natalia Valeryevna;

- senior lecturer of the department of TMiT Kydyrbayeva Saltanat Zhaysanbekkyzy.

In addition:

- awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the educational program 6D074000 – "Nanomaterials and nanotechnology" to Abishkenov Maksat Zharyllasynovich;

- awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the educational program 6D070900 – "Metallurgy" to Aitkenov Nurbek Bolatovich;

- awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the educational program 6D070900 – "Metallurgy" Kuatbai Yerbol Kuatbayuly.

The Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education is awarded to Associate professor of the Department "Metal processing by pressure" Panin Evgeny Alexandrovich.

Congratulations to our qualified teachers with academic degrees and honorary awards!

After the award ceremony, a report on the results of the financial and economic activities of КarIU in 2023 was heard, as well as the current state of educational, methodological, research and educational work at the faculties and their improvement were worked out.