On June 24-25, Vice Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Darkhan Ahmed-Zaki, during a visit to Ulytau region, met with Saken Shayakhmetov, Director for Sustainable Development of Kazakhmys Corporation, to discuss cooperation in the field of science and industry. The delegation also included scientists from a number of universities (including КarIU) and research institutes.

The meeting was held as part of the execution of the order of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Olzhas Bektenov, given at the Higher Scientific and Technical Commission, in order to develop new mechanisms for the formation of priority areas for the development of scientific and technical activities, solving the requests and needs of the real economy, improving cooperation between science and business, as well as promoting commercialization projects for the production of new products focused on export.

The parties discussed the prospects for the integration of scientific research, the current production needs of Kazakhmys Corporation and the possibilities of solving them with the help of advanced scientific achievements.

As part of the Hackathon, representatives of КarIU made a presentation on the topic "Scientific research and technological recommendations for the production of conditioned copper concentrate of the KM1 brand (at least 35%) in conditions of high lead content in copper concentrate."