By the decision of the AccreditationCouncil of the «Independent agency for accreditation and rating»(IAAR)dated 30.05.24, "KaragandaIndustrialUniversity"successfullypassedinternationalinstitutionalaccreditation for aperiodof5yearsandspecializedaccreditation!

The expert group of the «Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating» (IAAR) conducted an examination of 14 technical education programs:

  • 7M07103 Engineering of technological equipment (5 years)
  • 7M07301 Theory and technology of design of buildings and structures (5 years)
  • 7M07302 Theory and technology of design of buildings and structures (5 years)
  • 7M11201 Industrial and environmental safety (5 years)
  • 7M07106 Materials science and materials nanotechnology (5 years)
  • 7M07105 Engineering of technological equipment (5 years)
  • 7M07302 Theory and technology of design of buildings and structures (5 years)
  • 7M04104 Economics (3 years)
  • 7M07109 Materials science and materials nanotechnology (5 years)
  • 7M07204 Metallurgy of ferrous and non-ferrous metals (5 years)
  • 7M07101 Technology of processing new stuctural materials (5 years)
  • 7M07104 Technology of processing new structural materials (5 years)
  • 7M04103 Economics (two-diploma educational program realized jointly by Karaganda industrial university and Astrakhan state technical university) (5 years)
  • 7M07203 Metallurgy of ferrous and non-ferrous metals (realized jointly by Karaganda industrial university and Ukrainian state university of science and technology) (5 years)

This is great news for all students, teachers and staff of the university! Institutional and specialized accreditation confirms the high quality of education and work of the university. We can be proud of the results of our efforts and continuous work to improve our educational process.

We congratulate everyone on this achievement and continue to move forward, striving for new heights in the field of education and science!