On June 3, leading European and Kazakhstani experts in the field of energy delivered lectures at the university, followed by student debates on energy efficiency and renewable energy sources.

Student debates are, in fact, educational activities in which teams of students study a given topic and then make a presentation about what they have learned, supporting it with strong arguments. Working in teams, students discuss the pros and cons of a given topic.

"The teams had to comprehensively study the topic, effectively build their arguments and prepare a clear presentation containing recommendations on further steps to accelerate the transition to green energy, reduce emissions and make their own contribution to the sustainable future of Temirtau," the organizers of the event explained. - In addition to their own arguments, the participants in the debate study the arguments of their opponents. They are preparing for all possible questions that may be asked by the opposition, and for all possible problems that it may pose to them.

In total, more than 100 students and teachers took part in the event. Experts noted that modern youth is not only well-oriented in energy efficiency issues, but also ready to promote their ideas.

And on June 4, the winners and participants of the student debates were solemnly awarded at the City Palace of Culture.

The representative of the European Union in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Robert Brudzinski, announced the main prize – an online course on climate, sustainable energy and solutions in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources for students and teachers of Karaganda Industrial University, which will be organized by the Florence School of Regulation (Italy) - the European center of excellence in innovative energy training and the climate.

- The campaign "European Union – Kazakhstan: The Days of Sustainable Energy in Temirtau is designed to make a positive contribution to the sustainable development of the region," Robert Brudzinski recalled. - In this regard, the cooperation and involvement of local communities is crucial. We highly appreciate the active participation of Karaganda Industrial University, its teachers and students. I hope that the new knowledge and skills you have acquired these days will allow you to innovate and shape the energy future of Kazakhstan.