This project was initiated by the Amanat party and is aimed at educating the population in financial literacy. More than 50 teachers and staff of the university took part in the master classes, but free advice is available to everyone.

According to the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulation and Development of the Financial Market (ARRFR RK), by the end of the first quarter of 2024, loans issued by second-tier banks increased to 28.4 trillion tenge. Of these, 17 trillion tenge are loans to individuals. Of the total population of the country of 20 million people, more than 7 million have loans from banks.

A loan can be obtained only from the age of 18, and of the 20 million people in the country, about 4.5 million, according to the Bureau of National Statistics, have not yet reached adulthood. It follows that almost half of adults have loans.

- We often come across a situation where people have several loans. They apply for a new loan to close the previous ones. This is how a person sinks even more into debt, the participants of the seminar argue. – It is also understandable if people are forced to take out loans due to low incomes against the background of rising prices for essential goods. However, many apply for loans for non-mandatory needs. That is, people spend more than they can afford.

According to experts, at the first difficulties with repayment of the loan, the borrower simply "forgets" about the debt and buries his head in the sand. People continue to live as before, hoping that the problem will resolve itself. The borrower may not be disturbed for a really long time until calls from bailiffs begin. But by that time, time will be lost: the debt will grow due to fines, interest and penalties, and the problem will turn from a small one into a serious one. And all because people violate the principle of financial literacy – to live within their means, to be more rational, to plan. The republican project "Karyzsyz kogam" is designed to teach all this.

- During the five-day courses, we talk not only about how you can get back on your feet and close debts, but also find a financial safety cushion, - says financial expert of the republican public association "ULY DALA" and business coach Didar Mizembayeva. – We teach you how to calculate your family budget correctly and plan expenses, save money, and invest it wisely. We tell you how not to be deceived by scammers who use sophisticated schemes and tricks to enrich themselves at someone else's expense. Among other things, we have developed a workbook that is given to each participant. The notebook contains the entire course of financial literacy. It's a cheat sheet that people take with them. If they have not learned something during the 5 days of training, have forgotten something or want to strengthen their knowledge, the entire course is just contained in the notebook.

According to the coach, such courses will be held in all settlements of Kazakhstan for three years. Anyone who has reached the age of 18 can improve their financial literacy. Business coaches plan to train at least 500 people in Temirtau by the end of this year. In order to participate in the master classes, you need to apply at the city akimat or at the office of the local branch of the Amanat party.

Besides. This year, an online platform has been developed to effectively manage the flow of students . For those who cannot attend face-to-face seminars, videos and methodological materials will be posted on the site.