The event was held at the Korkyt ata Kyzylorda University.

The hackathon is a dialogue platform for communication and exchange of opinions and experiences of scientists and developers in various fields of knowledge. The purpose of the meeting of scientists with the management and specialists of NAC Kazatomprom JSC was to discuss the current problems of the country's uranium mining industry, the discovery of new technologies based on scientific research, and the connection of science with production.

25 production tasks of the industrial cluster were put up for discussion.

- We presented a project for decontamination of radioactive waste, which interested Kazatomprom specialists. They agreed that the proposed method is effective and it should be the subject of further fundamental research," said Nikolai Zobnin, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of «Metallurgy and Materials» Science at NAO КarIU.

During the meeting, the scientists expressed their readiness to begin detailed developments on the stated topics, to prepare scientific and technical tasks for obtaining grant funding from the state in the future. There are also long-term projects that will require more in-depth study, as they focus not only on current issues, but also on the future of the uranium mining industry in Kazakhstan in general.