“Together against corruption”

On September 11, KarIU hosted a meeting of students with the senior officer of the Prevention Department of the Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Combating Corruption in the Karaganda region, Saktapbergen Akim Yerlanuly. During the meeting, the speaker explained the norms of the current legislation on combating corruption, the main directions of the Anti-Corruption Volunteering project, the role of students in this project. The speaker also told the students about the possibility of participating in the International Youth Competition of social anti-corruption advertising "Together against corruption!". Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Galina Sivyakova, in turn, informed about the anti-corruption measures carried out at the university, about the conditions created at the university for conducting exams transparently and honestly. Madina Meiramovna Salpenova, a compliance officer at the University, spoke about the activities of the Sanaly Urpak student club, whose activities are aimed at forming an anti-corruption culture among young people.