As you know, October 18, since 1992, has been celebrated in Kazakhstan as the Day of Spiritual Harmony. Since then, the holiday has been considered a day of reconciliation, mercy and assistance to one's neighbor, as well as a moratorium on conflicts and clashes. For more than 30 years, Kazakhstan has developed its own model of social harmony and stability, the effectiveness of which is recognized worldwide.
Spiritual harmony, unity between peoples and traditional religions is our priceless wealth, and stability is our foundation. To this end, a curatorial hour on the theme "Day of Spiritual Harmony – the basis of stability" was held today at Karaganda Industrial University.
During the event, issues of expanding interreligious dialogue, further strengthening traditional moral values and principles of tolerance, as well as strengthening feedback from the public on religious activities to prevent the spread of destructive ideologies were discussed. All participants of the meeting came to a common opinion: peace, harmony, stability are our golden asset, because for each of us the main thing is peace, harmony and unity of peoples. The unity of peoples is strength. The unity of peoples exists to preserve peace and tranquility between peoples of different nationalities. The unity of the peoples helps us to maintain friendly, political, economic and social relations. It is a solution to global problems, prevents wars, terrorist attacks, violence and leads to a common agreement on solving problems on Earth.