№ and date of the Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors, the form of the meeting

Protocol № 4/24 dated 14/04/2024, full-time

Members of the Board of Directors who participated in the meeting

1.Ahmed-Zaki Darkhan Zh. - Chairman of the Board of Directors of NAO Karaganda Industrial University, Vice Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2.Bykov Vladimir A. is a member of the Board of Directors of NAO Karaganda Industrial University, Director of the Association for the Promotion of Private Entrepreneurship in the Republic of Kazakhstan (by agreement).
3.Kulpeisov Ernar D. is a member of the Board of Directors of NAO Karaganda Industrial University, Director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs Atameken of the Karaganda region, independent director (by agreement).


Issues considered

1.Consideration of documents and hearing of programs for the development of higher education institutions submitted by persons admitted to participate in the competition for the position of Chairman of the Board — Rector of the Non-profit Joint Stock Company «Karaganda Industrial University».


Compliance officer of the Non-profit Joint Stock Company «Karaganda Industrial University» Salpenova Madina M.