head of the department
Candidate of Economic Sciences
E-mail: o.silayeva@tttu.edu.kz
Temirtau, Republic ave. 30,
new housing,
office 323
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The Department of «Economics and business» was formed by combining two departments of Economics and Finance and Management and business in 2020.
The historical path of the Department of Management and business begins in 1963 with the creation of the Department of Social Sciences, which in 1964 was transformed into the Department of Marxism – Leninism. Vasily Yakovlevich Zaitsev, Ph. D., was the head of the Department from 1963 to 1968.
In 1968 the Department was divided into two departments:
- Department of history of the CPSU and scientific communism;
- Department of philosophy and political economy.
Marina M. Siyanina, PhD, associate Professor, head of the Department of philosophy and political economy from 1968 to 1974. In 1952, she graduated from the Moscow state pedagogical Institute named after V. I. Lenin, Department of logic and psychology. Currently lives in Moscow.
In 1975-1985, the Department was headed by Ivan Lazarevich Popandopulo, PhD, associate Professor, who in 1962 graduated from the physics Department Of the Kazakh state University named after S.M. Kirov. In 1970, he completed postgraduate studies at the Taras Shevchenko Kyiv state University. Currently lives in Greece.
December 1, 1992 on the basis of the Department of “political Economy and history of the CPSU” was organized the Department of “Economic theory”, which was headed by candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor Vasily Filippovich Saliychuk. V.F. Saliychuk was the head of the Department from 1985 to 1996. In 1976, he graduated from the faculty of philosophy and Economics, Department of political economy Of the Kazakh state University named after S.M. Kirov. In 1985, he completed postgraduate studies at the Bauman Moscow Higher technical University. Currently, he is the head of the Department of Economic theory at Kurgan state University.
In 1997, the Department became the Department of “Economic theory and management of organizations”. The Department provides the educational process in economic disciplines at all faculties and for all specialties. From 1997 to 2015, the Department was headed by Professor Zoya Gelmanova, PhD in Economics. A graduate of the plant-Vtuz at Karmk, in 1988 Zoya Salikhovna completed her postgraduate studies at the Leningrad engineering and economic Institute named after P. Tolyatti. In 2000, the mayor’s office of Temirtau declared her the “Best woman of the year” in the “Scientific achievements” category. Gelmanova Z.S. awarded the badge “for services to the development of science in the Republic of Kazakhstan”, is the owner of the grant” Best University teacher”, the state scientific scholarship of the Republic of Kazakhstan for outstanding contribution to science and technology. He has published in scientific publications in Kazakhstan, Russia, and Europe.
In 2006, the Department carried out the first graduation of accountants in the specialty “Accounting and audit».
In 2007, the Department carried out the first graduation of managers in the specialty “management of organizations”.
Since September 2011, the Department is called “Management and business” and becomes a graduate in the following specialties: “Management” and “Accounting and audit”.
- From 2015 to 2017, the Department was headed by Ph. D., associate Professor V.V. Biryukov.
- Since September 2017, she served as the head of the Department of M. E., senior lecturer Seibert I. A.
- Since September 2018, the head of the Department is Ph. D., associate Professor, acting Professor N. B. Davletbayeva.
- Since September 2019, the duties of the head of the Department were performed by senior lecturer, M. E. Nurgalieva A. K.
The history of the Department of Economics and Finance dates back to 1966, when the faculty of Economics was organized in the plant-Vtuz, which included the Department of Economics and production planning. The training process was carried out by practical economists with extensive experience in industrial work. Among them Pavlov A.N., Sawicki, E. E., Shulga, E.P., Korobitsyn A.I., Zakharova, T.N.
“National economy planning” is the first direction in which the Department began training specialists for the economic sector. Recruitment of students for this specialty was made in 1966.
Subsequently, the Department of Economics and production planning underwent several organizational and structural changes. After merging with the Department of “Accounting and analysis of economic activity”, and then with the Department of” Economics and construction organization”, it became known as “Economics and industrial management”. Since 1988, the newly created educational and structural division has started training specialists in the field of “Economics and management in metallurgy”, since 1995 – in the field of “Economics and management in industry”, since 1998 – “Economics and management at enterprises”.
Since 2004, in connection with the transition to credit technology of education and the opening of the specialty “Economics”, the Department was renamed the Department “Economics”, since 2011 – the Department “Economics and Finance”, a Great contribution to the development of the Department was made by its heads associate professors, candidates of economic Sciences:
- Kharlamov Anatoly Dmitrievich (1979-1990),
- Nurseitov Boris Nagametovich (1990-2013),
- Biryukov Valery Viktorovich (2013-2014).
- Since 2014, the Department is headed by a candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor Silaeva Olga Viktorovna.
Currently, the Department of Economics and business trains specialists for the economic and managerial sphere by a total of 18 teaching staff, including 1 PhD, 6 candidates of science, 11 masters of Economics.
Leading specialists in Economics, Finance, management of industrial enterprises, scientific institutions and organizations, and higher educational institutions of the region are invited to participate in the educational process.
Our graduates are managers at various levels and work in large Kazakhstani and international companies.
The mission of the Department is to train highly qualified specialists who have the necessary level of professional competence, are committed to innovation, and are able to compete in the conditions of economic modernization.
The purpose of the Department is to create an effective learning system that helps meet the needs of students and society.