Science activity



Head of Department

Temirtau, Republic ave. 30,
Laboratory building,
office 114

  • Scientific potential of the department

The research work of the department “Metallurgy and Materials Science” is based on the perspective and current development plans of the department and the university in the following areas:

  • work on contract and state budget research, research and development work;
  • management of master’s and doctoral theses;
  • participation in national and international scientific conferences;
  • publication of articles and materials in peer-reviewed republican and international scientific journals;
  • publication of textbooks and monographs;
  • active involvement of bachelors, undergraduates and doctoral students in the research work of the department, their involvement in the creation and implementation of research projects.


  • The main directions of scientific activity of the department

The teachers of the department are actively developing the following scientific topics:

  • Physico-chemical research and development of technology for the production and use of calcium and barium-containing alloys (headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Nurumgaliev A.Kh.);
  • Optimization of phase compositions of metals and alloys for the production of tubular products (supervisor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Nurumgaliev A.Kh.).
  • Development of theoretical and technological bases for the extraction of germanium from natural and man-made raw materials (supervisor c.t.s., associate professor Musin DK).
  • Development of scientific principles and the introduction of technologies for the integrated processing of slag dump slags of copper smelting production (head c.t.s., associate professor Kharchenko EM).
  • Development of technologies for the production of technical silicon from briquetted mono-mixes in the ore-thermal process (led by Ph.D., associate professor Zobnin NN).
  • Improving the production technology and improving the quality of technical silicon in Kazakhstan (headed by Dr. Nurumgaliev A.Kh., Ph.D., associate professor N.N. Zobnin).


  • Research work of students

The department operates a research circle “Innovative technologies in metallurgy” whose main tasks are:

  • development of tasks NIRS on actual problems of the metallurgical industry, with reference to the topics of course and diploma projects;
  • provision of methodological assistance in the selection of literature to prepare for studies, writing essays, tests, term papers and scientific articles;
  • preparation of reports for participation in the annual scientific-practical conference “The scientific creativity of the young – the innovative development of Kazakhstan”
  • hearing the reports of the graduation course in the sections of the innovative parts of the graduation projects and works.