head of the department
master of engineering and technology,
senior lecturer
E-mail: a.chvanova@tttu.edu.kz
Temirtau, Republic ave. 30,
office 245
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In 1996, the first enrollment of students for the specialty "Automation, telemechanics and Communications in metallurgy" was carried out, the department «Automation, Telemechanics and Computer Engineering» was formed, the heads of the department in different years were M.K. Zeyneshev, V.I. Barbaev.
The first graduation of students of this specialty took place in 2002.
In 2009 a license for the specialty «Computer engineering and software», was obtained, in the same year the first enrollment for training in this specialty was made.
In 2012 a new department «Information Technologies and Natural Science disciplines» was formed. The head of the department was doctor of technical sciences, professor V.V. Yavorskiy.
In 2013, the first graduation of bachelors of the specialty «Computer Engineering and software» will take place.
In 2020, the Department of «Artificial Intelligence Technologies» was organized. The head of the department was PhD Kunaev Vyacheslav Alexandrovich. The department trains bachelors by the educational programs «Software Engineering», «Artificial Intelligence Technologies» and «Automation Systems Engineering», masters in the program «Automation and Control» and PhD doctors in the direction «Automation and Control».
Since January 3, 2024, the acting head of the department is senior lecturer, Master of Engineering and Technology Anastasia Chvanova
Teachers of the department successfully cooperate with the CISCO Network Academy, Huawei, Kaspersky companies, providing an opportunity for university students to take courses in various areas of the IT industry (introduction to building hardware systems and networks, cybersecurity, Internet of Things, etc.). After successful completion of the courses, students are issued a certificate
Graduates of the department successfully realize themselves in professional activities, occupy managerial positions, they are qualified specialists in the field of software development and computer network design. Thanks to the interaction with graduates, the educational programs of the department are constantly updated and updated. Meetings of graduates and students are held periodically, at which graduates share their experience and talk about their work.