MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (executive MBA) Management direction


((executive MBA)

Management direction

Audience category: persons with higher education who wish to deepen their knowledge and skills in the field of business and management.

The EMBA program is focused on training top managers, taking into account the specifics of the target audience.

Duration of the program 1 year
Number of hours of training at least 1800 (at least 60 credits)
The purpose of the educational program

to train specialists who are able to effectively manage various aspects of doing business, including human resources management, marketing, finance, operations and strategic planning.

Compulsory subjects of the program • Strategic management

• Business research

List of elective courses A block of disciplines on the formation of professional competencies

• Strategic management

• Business research

• Management analysis

• Marketing and customer loyalty management

• Economics of entrepreneurship and business

• Business management in the digital economy

• Business planning of innovative projects

• Entrepreneurship

• Global economy and integration

• Finance (advanced level)


The block of disciplines of personal development and formation of leadership qualities

• Leadership

• Management Psychology

• Socio-psychological problems of personnel management

• Intercultural interaction in the modern world

• Risk management

• Creative management

List of qualifications and positions Graduates of the Master of Business Administration (Management) educational program can work in various fields and positions related to management and management.
The field of professional activity MBA graduates have extensive knowledge and skills in the field of organization, planning, analysis and decision-making, which allows them to develop and implement business strategies of companies, as well as know how to effectively manage people and projects. They can hold positions such as managers, directors, consultants, analysts, project managers and others.
Objects of professional activity - economic, financial, marketing, production, economic and analytical processes of organizations and enterprises, regardless of their type of activity, form of ownership, categories of participants (residents and non-residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan), organizational and legal forms, state bodies of the republican and local levels
Subjects of professional activity the study of actions and forms of manifestation of general, private and specific economic laws of the development of economic processes of economic entities in specific conditions of an industry or an individual enterprise, as well as conditions and factors for identifying reserves to ensure the achievement of the best results at optimal costs
Persons who have completed their studies under the EMBA educational program and successfully passed the final certification are awarded the degree of "Master of Business Administration" in the field of Management and a diploma of postgraduate education with an appendix (transcript) is issued.


Admission rules

for the educational program

Master of Business Administration

(executive MBA)

Karaganda Industrial University trains senior and middle management managers according to the EMBA program

The Executive MBA program is a special program for executives, managers, and entrepreneurs with managerial experience.

The term of study is 1 year

Form of study: full-time and evening

The aim of the EMBA program is to train specialists who are able to effectively manage various aspects of doing business, including human resources management, marketing, finance, operations and strategic planning.

Requirements for persons enrolled in the EMBA program

  • The EMBA program accepts citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign citizens who have mastered professional training programs of higher/postgraduate education;
  • work experience of at least 1 (one) year. To enroll in the EMBA program, work experience must be in a middle and/or senior management position or an entrepreneur with managerial experience;
  • Diploma of higher education;
  • persons who have received educational documents from foreign educational institutions, in accordance with their level of education and training profile, must undergo the procedure of recognition or nostrification of educational documents.

List of required documents:

1) an application addressed to the rector of the established sample;

2) a notarized copy of the document on higher education with appendices;

3) a certificate from the place of work confirming the length of service;

4) Six 3x4 photos;

5) medical certificate form No. 075/y with fluorography;

6) a copy of the identity card or passport (3 copies);

7) Resume/short biography;

8) Motivation letter (Essay), (Appendix);

9) a list of scientific and methodological works (if any).

Together with copies of the documents specified in this paragraph, their originals are provided for verification. After verification, the originals are returned.

Entrance exams

Persons applying to the EMBA undergo a personal interview (personal interview), which is conducted by the examination commission, in order to confirm their professional and managerial experience and abilities to study at the master's level.


Persons who have completed their studies under the EMBA educational program and successfully passed the final certification are awarded the degree of "Master of Business Administration" in the field of Management and a diploma of postgraduate education with an appendix (transcript) is issued.

Applications for the EMBA program are accepted throughout the year.

For questions about the acceptance of documents and the content of the program, please contact:


Karaganda region

Temirtau city

, Republic, 30


Tel. worker: 8 7213 91-42-34

8 7213 91-65-61



WhatsApp: 8-701-430-64-14



Requirements for writing a motivation letter (ESSAY)

It is necessary to prepare an essay on the topic "What do I expect from the EMBA program of Karaganda Industrial University

  1. The volume of the essay should be at least 2-3 pages of typewritten text with 1.0 spacing, Times New Roman font, regular, 12 pt. Margins: left 30 mm, right 10 mm, top and bottom 20 mm each. The indentation (paragraph) is 1.25 cm.
  2. The essay should address issues such as:
  • Your understanding of management: general and specific to Kazakhstan
  • Your profession: yesterday, today, tomorrow
  • Your professional achievements over the last 2-5 years
  • Your strengths and weaknesses
  • Your career plans for the next 5 years
  • *What, in your opinion, is the role of the MBA program in implementing these plans?

The essay must be submitted to the admissions committee along with a package of documents.