Quality policy


NJSC “Karaganda Industrial University”

Karaganda Industrial University, possessing highly qualified personnel and having a modern material, technical, educational and methodological base, provides high-quality training of technical personnel based on advanced scientific achievements and high professional standards in the field of education.

Karaganda Industrial University, being a specialized industrial university, contributes to the training of qualified personnel for new projects of the digital economy in one of the priority areas of development of the Republic of Kazakhstan – industry.

The University’s quality assurance policy complies with international approaches, including the requirements of European standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG), as well as the national education policy formulated by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The quality assurance policy of the Karaganda Industrial University, in order to increase competitiveness, is aimed at maintaining high quality standards of the university’s educational services, as well as ensuring a connection between training, scientific research and innovation through the attraction of leading global and domestic industrial companies; formation of an innovative scientific base for conducting scientific research of a fundamental and applied nature; ensuring the civic maturity of students; creating a comfortable infrastructure and taking the necessary measures to provide social support for students and university staff.

The implementation of the quality policy is aimed at creating:

quality educational content;

quality student population;

quality teaching staff;

quality digital infrastructure.

The University’s quality assurance policy is based on the values ​​of a quality culture among the entire university community: students, faculty, and employees.

The University management, being leaders in the implementation of quality assurance policies, is responsible for the professionalism of its employees and providing favorable conditions for their effective work.

Each employee is aware of his obligations and responsibilities to ensure and improve quality.