Vacancies University

On January 2024

To the Department of Educational Work and Youth Policy:

1.Head of press service

Requirement: higher professional education, at least 3 years of practical work experience in the field of activity.

To the library:

1. Head of the scientific library

Requirement: higher (or postgraduate) library education and work experience in the specialty for at least 1 year or specialized secondary, secondary professional library education and library work experience for at least 3 years.

2. A librarian

Requirement: higher or secondary professional education, work experience of at least 3 years.

To the Department of Health and Safety, Civil Defense and Emergency Situations Operation :

1.Head of the sector of ensuring safety of the Civil Defense, Civil Defense and Emergency Situations

Requirement: higher (or postgraduate) education in the relevant field of training and practical work experience in law enforcement agencies or in the specialty for at least 5 years.

2.Employees of the sector of ensuring security of the Civil Defense, Emergency Situations

3.Electrician – 4 grade

4.Plumber – 4 grade.

5.Electric and gas welder


without requirements for work experience

The address:

Karaganda region,


Ave. Republic,30

New building office #222

Personnel Management Service

Tel. 8 (7213) 91-02-40
