Fullname: |
Aykeeva Altyn |
Education: |
1991 г. |
Leningrad electrotechnical Institute named after V. I. Ulyanov (Lenin) specialty: Electronic medical equipment. Qualified as an electrical engineer |
2004 г. |
Karaganda state technical University with a degree in Economics in the social sphere and industries. Qualified as an economist |
2009 г. |
was awarded the degree of candidate of technical Sciences in Mining machines |
2011 г. |
associate Professor in Electrical engineering |
2011 г. |
academic adviser of the National engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Work experience: |
Academic: |
Work in this organization |
from 09.06.2017 to the present |
Vice-rector for research and international relations of Karaganda Industrial University |
List of taught disciplines |
Employment |
Fulltimework |
Previous jobs in educational institutions: |
1995 — 2009 |
Assistant, senior lecturer of the Department of «Power supply and electrical engineering» of KarSTU |
2006 — 2009 |
Deputy Dean of the faculty of electrical engineering of KarSTU |
2009 — 2010 |
The Department «Technology and communication» of the University |
2010 — 2012 |
Head of the educational and methodological Department of the RII |
2011- 2012 |
scientific Secretary of the Kostanay branch of the National engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
September 2012 to June 2017 |
Professor of the Department of Radiophysics and electronics and Deputy Dean for research of the faculty of physics and technology of E. A. Buketov KarSU |
Non-academic: |
1991 — 1993 |
Engineer of Karaganda regional medical treatment and diagnostic center, Karaganda |
Refresher courses: |
2011 |
Certificate of the British Council INSPIRE VIP seminar «Research universities and innovations — opportunities to use the British experience in Kazakhstan», Almaty |
2012 |
Certificate British Council Seminar «How to establish partnerships with UK Universities and how to publish research in journal», Almaty; |
2012 |
Certificate Of the National testing center «methods of designing test tasks», Astana |
2016 |
Certificate of the British Council Kazakhstan «Commercialising Research Projects» |
2017 |
Certificate of advanced training courses «management of education», Karsu named after academician E. A. Buketov, Karaganda |
18.10.2018 |
Certificate for participation in the FJBAA seminar, quality assurance management System in higher education, Almaty |
Membership in professional organizations: no |
Awards and prizes: |
2011 |
State grant «Best University teacher — 2011» |
Activities in the service sector: no |
Publications and presentations: |
Newscientific developments: |
Additional Information: |
dyusha.vav@mail.ru |