Mass open online courses represent today a new promising way of transforming the education system.

In 2023, with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, and the Kazakhstan Khalkyna Public Foundation, Karaganda Industrial University was granted access to online training on the Coursera international platform, which hosts courses from world-class universities or industry-leading companies such as Stanford, Columbia, Duke, Johns Hopkins, Yale, Meta, Google.

In the autumn semester of the 2023-2024 academic year, 700 university students in the framework of the disciplines studied according to the accepted MOOC-support model will take courses such as Blockchain negizderi, Big Data-ga kirispe, Business Arnalgan Excel dagdylary on the Coursera platform in Kazakh, Russian and English. Bastapky deg, Graphalyk design negizderi, Team Management: Development as a leader, Finance for non-financial specialists, Write Professional Emails in English and others. According to the results of the courses, teachers will re-assign students the current control on individual topics (within the framework of the syllabus of disciplines).

In addition to the courses approved for compulsory completion, students can additionally study their favorite courses in order to meet their educational needs.

You can get acquainted with the courses of the Coursera platform, as well as with the courses developed by the teachers of CarIU, on the university’s website

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