Karaganda Industrial University continues a series of events dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the birth of Academician Kanysh Satpayev and a professional holiday – the Day of Science Workers.
5 April 2024 year a master class “Patenting correctly” was held at the university, organized by the Department of Technological Machines and Transport. The main speaker was Viktor Ivanovich Romanov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Technological Machines and Transport, who shared with the participants of the master class his rich experience in the field of preparation and registration of patents. The participants of the master class were also representatives of the teaching staff of the University departments, students, employees of the Department of Science, Innovation and International Cooperation.
During the master class, Viktor Ivanovich told about his personal stories of patenting various technical developments and about future plans in this direction, gave advice to novice young scientists taking their first steps in protecting copyrights to scientific research results, paying special attention to the fact that when writing a patent it is necessary to present the closest analogues of the invention, and also to criticize them.
The event was held in the format of a round table and aroused the keen interest of all participants who actively participated in the discussion of the issue.
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