Avkurova Shadyra


2005 yy EKSU.S. Amanzholova S. Amanzholova (Ust-Kamenogorsk), specialty «Teacher of physics and Informatics»

2012 yy University of Kainar(Semey) and received a master’s degree in technical Sciences in the specialty «Information systems».

Academic work experience:

2005-2006 Teacher of physics and computer science at secondary school, East Kazakhstan region, Tarbagatai district, Zhanatalap village

2006-2007 Teacher at the Kazakh State Women’s Pedagogical Institute (Almaty)

2007-2015. Lecturer at Shakarim Semey State University

From 2015 to the present, Karaganda Industrial University, senior lecturer at the Department of Technology of Artificial Intelligence

Listoftaught disciplines

  • Information and communication technologies
  • Computer graphics
  • Internet-technology
  • Internet technologies and computer networks
  • Fundamentals of information security
  • ERP enterprise management systems
  • Digital circuitry
  • Mathematical logic and theory of algorithms
  • Software Development Tools
  • Web programming

Refresher courses:

2014y. graduated from advanced training courses of teachers of Kazakhstan under the program of JSC «NCPC ORLEU» Almaty (certificate)

Аpril, 2017y «Teaching English to Speakers of other languages» Temirtau (certificate)

2019y. Scientific internship at the A.P. Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems SB RAS as part of work on a doctoral dissertation project on the topic “Methods and models for early detection of APT attacks and identification of violators in cyberspace” (RF, Novosibirsk)

2021y. Training and Methodological Center Antiplagiarism, webinar on the topic “Introduction to the Antiplagiarism system”

2021y. Educational and Methodological Center Antiplagiarism, webinar on the topic «Quality Standards for Scientific Information: Web of Sience and Antiplagiarism»

2021y. Educational and Methodological Center Antiplagiarism, webinar on the topic «Information services of the publishing house Wiley and «Antiplagiarism» for science and education”

2021y. Educational and Methodological Center Antiplagiarism, webinar on the topic «Checking theses in the Antiplagiarism system» «Online Master Class»

2021y Course «Fundamentals of Information Security” (72 hours) at the programming school IT SCHOOL»

2021 y Course «Information and communication technologies” (72 hours) at the programming school IT SCHOOL»

2022y. «Теміртау қаласының тілдерді дамыту орталығ» КММ. Ағылшын тілі курсы – B2-Upper-Intermediate level

2023y. Advanced training courses on the topic «Internet technologies», Ғалымнұр біліктілікті арттыру орталығы, Түркістан қ., 72 ч.

2023г. Copyright CERTIFICATE «Компьютерлік тораптар» электрондық оқулық. (Кубегенова А.Д., Иксебаева Ж.С., Авкурова Ж.С.) №39267 от «26» сентября 2023года.

2023г. CERTIFICATE for active participation in the XII International Scientific and Practical Conference «INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND ENGINEERING» dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Karaganda Industrial University. October 19-20, 2023

2023г. CERTIFICATE for participation in online training on digital literacy on the topic «Risks and opportunities for using artificial intelligence in an academic environment» December 2023.

2023 CERTIFICATE for participation in the conference organized by the Scientific Research Center for Innovative Educational Technologies LLP on the topic “Artificial intelligence in education”.

Awards and prizes:

2022 y. DIPLOMA Best Employee 2021

Publications and presentations:

2019 y. Avkurova Zh. S., Dzhuzbaevab.G. ” The use of Ontology in the modeling of complex systems”//Innovation Management and Tehnology in the Era of Globallzation: Materials of the VI International Scientific-Practical Conference January 9- 11, 2019 (Pattaya, Thailand) pp. 206-214.

2019 y. Nazym Zhumangaliyeva, Anna Korchenko,  Aliya Doszhanova, Aigul Shaikhanova, Shangytbayeva Gulmira, Avkurova Zhadyra// Detection environment formation method for anomaly detection systems.- Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology. 31st August 2019. Vol.97. No 16,-Рр.4239-4250. ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

2019 y. Zhumangaliyeva N.K., Korchenko A.A., Doszhanova A.A., Avkurova Zh. S. Analysis of intrusion detection systems // Хабаршы №3(103) 2019, ӘлФараби атындағы Қазақ  ұлттық университеті

2019 y. Zhumangaliyeva N.K.,       Aliya Doszhanova, Anna Korchenko, Svetlana Kazmirchuk, Avkurova Zhadyra, Dauriya Zhaxygulova. Method  of  Linguistic variable standards formation for honeypot classification// News of  Nas RK. Series of geology and  technical  scienes ISSN  2518 -170X (online) ISSN 22224-5278 2020 /5

2020y. Avkurova Zh. s., B. Kabduraimova, S. A. Gnatyuk, A. I. Gizun // analysis of modern attack detection systems based on virtual eyelid technologies// Bulletin of Kaznrtu No. 6(142) Satbayev university, November 2020. Almaty № 6 (142) 654-658б

2021y. Saparkhodzhaev N. P., Avkurova Zh. s., Davletova V. M. educational portal //collection of works of the XI international scientific and practical conference innovative technologies and engineering dedicated to the 30th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan P. 157-161 KIU November 25-26,2021 ISВN.

2021 y. Avkurova Zh. s., Belgibaeva L. M. IT technologies as necessary components of the education system //collection of works of the XI international scientific and practical conference innovative technologies and engineering, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 162-165B. KIU November 25-26, 2021

2021 y. Sergiy Gnatyuk, Rat Berdibayev, Avkurova Zhadyra.//International Conference on Information and Software Technologies pp 169-184. 07 October 2021

2021y. Avkurova Zh.S., Abduraimova B.K.,Gnatyuk S.A., Kydyrallina L.// Model of host and network parameters for early detection of art attacks and identification of a clear definition of the type of violator// Ekibastuz Engineering and Technical Institute named after academician K.Satpayev. Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference.362-365 стр. 2021

2022y. Zh. Avkurova, B. Abduraimova, S. Gnatyuk, L.M. Kydyralina. Model of para meters for early detection of apt attacks and identification of security intruders in cyberspace // Оf the national academy of sciences of the republic of kazakhstan physics and information technology seriesissn 1991-346 ХVolume 1, Number 341 (2022), 17–25 https://doi.org/10.32014/2022.2518-1726.112IRSTI 81.93.29UDC 621.39:004.

2022y. Zh. Avkurova, Sergiy Gnatyuk, Development of the structural and analytical models for early apt-attacks detection and intruders identification // Scientific and Practical Cyber Security Journal (SPCSJ) 6(1): 53-58 ISSN 2587- 4667 Scientific Cyber Security Association (SCSA)


2022y. Belgibayeva L. M., Avkurova Zh. s.possibility of using the PADLET – virtual board in the education system / / Republican scientific and methodological conference “approaches to innovation in education” collection of works.161-166B. KIU November 29-30,2022.

2023y. Avkurova Zh.S., Belgibaeva L.M. Article for participation in the XII International Scientific and practical Conference “INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND ENGINEERING” dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Karaganda Industrial University «Цифрлық трансформацияның жобаларды басқаруға әсері» 19-20.10.2023.

Scientific development:

The certificate of copyright of “Computerlik toraptar” electrondyk okulyk. (Kubegenova A.D., Iksebaeva Zh.S., Avkurova Zh.S.) No. 39267 dated September 26, 2023.


Temirtau, Republic ave, 30,

main building, cabinet 245

Contact information:

E-mail: zh.avkurova@tttu.edu.kz