Science activity

Bestembek Yerbol Serikuly

Head of Department
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Address: Temirtau, Republic ave. 30,
New building, offices 106, 108


      The scientific activity of the department is based on the perspective and current development plans of the department and the university. Doctoral students, master's students and students of the department take an active part in all research activities of the department along with the faculty.


The scientific activities of the department include:

  • conducting applied and fundamental scientific research within the framework of funded and unfunded research activities;
  • preparation of scientific publications and works in the form of articles, reviews, abstracts, monographs, patents, etc.;
  • research work by students and thesis research by master's and doctoral students;
  • organization and participation in scientific events in the format of international and national scientific conferences, forums, round tables, seminars, intra-university and international scientific cooperation.

The main directions of scientific activity of the department are connected with applied and fundamental researches of actual problems in the field of technological equipment of industry and transport-technological machines. To solve these problems, the department implements 6 scientific projects totaling 356,307,306.5 tenge, funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

Individual registration number and project topic Amount of project financing, tеnge Project period Project Supervisor
1 AP14972831 “Study of the Structure and Properties of Experimental Alumina-matrix Composites Reinforced With Metal Carbides and Silicon Production Waste” 15 860 392,0 2022–2024 PhD, Senior Lecturer

M. Abishkenov

2 AP15473081 “Development of an Integrated Technology for the Production of Road Construction Materials Based on Blast-furnace Production Waste” 18 941 188,0 2022–2024 PhD, Acting Associate Professor

V. Kunaev

3 AP19677907 “Study of the influence of micro/nanoparticles, industrial waste and shear on the quality of metal blanks for mechanical engineering” 73 166 380,0 2023–2025 Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Zh. Ashkeyev
4 AP19674502 “Development and research of a technological method for implementing intense shear strains during rolling in calibrated rolls” 70 850 187,5 2023–2025 Candidate of Technical Sciences, Acting Associate Professor

K. Nogayev

5 AP19678263 “Рациональное использование техногенных отходов металлургических производств” 88 876 643,0 2023–2025 Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor V. Romanov
6 AP22786668  “Scientific foundations for obtaining the sustainable asphalt concrete with improved physical-mechanical characteristics based on waste from metallurgical and silicon production” 88 612 516,0 2024–2026 PhD, Acting Associate Professor

V. Kunaev