Scientific activity


head of the department
master of engineering and technology,
senior lecturer

Phone: +7(701) 338 77 37
Temirtau, Republic ave. 30,
office 245
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The research work of the Department of Artificial Intelligence Technologies is based on the perspective and current development plans of the department and the university in the following areas:
• work on contractual and state-funded research, research and development works;
• management of master's and doctoral dissertations;
• participation in national and international scientific conferences;
• publication of articles and materials in peer-reviewed national and international scientific journals, publication of monographs;
• active involvement of students of all levels in the research work of the department, involving them in the creation and implementation of research projects.


The main directions of scientific activity of the department


Teachers of the department are actively working in such scientific areas as solving optimization problems in the field of automation and control (Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of "TII" Umbetov U.U.), development and implementation of expert intelligent information systems (Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Yavorsky V.V.), research of electric power systems and complexes (PhD, Professor Sivyakova G.A.), development of artificial neural networks for pattern recognition (Master, senior lecturer Titova Zh.I.), development and testing of software for data processing, received from georadars (Master, senior lecturer Tokseit D.K.), development and research of technological lines for processing industrial waste (PhD, associate professor Kunaev V.A.), research of methods for ensuring information security and protection against web attacks (master, senior lecturer Avkurova Zh.S.), research and design of mathematical models of chemical and technological systems in conditions of uncertainty (Master's degree, senior lecturer Kenzhebaeva T.S.).
In 2020-2021 . The teaching staff of the department together with the Department of Technological Machines and Transport implemented an initiative research work "Justification of the parameters of the technological line for obtaining road-building materials from industrial waste" (responsible executor - associate professor of the Department of "TII" Kunaev V.A.).
Teachers of the department annually participate in competitions to receive grant funding for research projects. In 2022, the department began implementing the project of grant financing of young scientists "Zhas Galym" IRN AP15473081 "Development of integrated technology for the production of road-building materials based on blast furnace waste" with a total amount of funding of 18,941,188 tenge. The project manager is PhD, associate professor Kunaev V.A. The project is designed for 3 years (2022-2024).


Research work of students, undergraduates and doctoral students


The department has a student circle "Creating Games", created by the activists of the PI-21 group under the guidance of senior teacher Titova Zh.I., during classes in which students learn not only to create computer games, but also to work in a team on projects.
Students of the department actively participate in republican hackathons. In 2021, students of the Department of Artificial Intelligence Technologies participated in the Republican hackathon held at the L. Gumilev Eurasian National University with two projects:
1) "Development of a facial mask recognition system to ensure control over compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements in the premises" (students Leonid Karandashev, Valery Stankevich, Adlan Katkov);
2) "Development of a remote monitoring system for filling garbage cans to optimize the garbage collection process" (students Halmuradov Kairat, Alpysbaeva Anelia, Sarsen Sultan).
In 2022, a team of students of the department (Zhumageldiev Mergen, Nikolay Sumenko, Grigory Krivoruchka and Vladislav Komarov), led by senior lecturer S.V. Kan, took second place at the republican hackathon among university students "TEMIRTAU SMARTTECH HACKATHON".
Undergraduates of the department studying under the educational program "Automation and Control" carry out scientific research in such areas as the development of new approaches to automation of flow-transport systems, modernization of the automated control system of a rolling mill in order to ensure operability in emergency conditions (head – Ph.D., Professor Sivyakova G.A.), development of a personnel notification system based on the GSM network, the development of intelligent expert decision–making systems in non-standard, non-standard, emergency situations (head - head. The head is Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor V.V. Yavorsky.