Scientific activity



Acting head of the department

Master of Arts, senior lecturer

Telephone: 90 79 04 (148)
Temirtau, Republic ave. 30,
new housing,
office 409
Facebook, Instagram

Research and scientific and methodological activity at the department includes:

  • conducting scientific and methodological research;
  • preparation and publication of scientific articles, monographs;
  • conducting scientific events: training seminars, round tables, conferences;
  • management of students' research works.

Teaching staff of the department with academic degrees:

Teachers’ full names

academic degree

academic title


Scientist’s ID and profile


Makhmutov. B.B.

Candidate of Chemical Sciences

Associate professor

ID ORCID-00000-0002-1513-7056

h-index, & Skopus-2

h-index, & Web of Science-2


Tanaguzov B.T.

Candidate of Technical Sciences

Associate professor

ID ORCID-0009-0008-2879-7898


Chalaya О.V.

Candidate of Physico-Mathematical Sciences

Associate professor

ID ORCID-0009-0008-3874-1791


Kukalo L.I.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Associate professor


ID ORCID 0009-0005-0312-5882

Scientific potential of the department:

There are 4 Candidates of Sciences (Makhmutov B.B., Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Tanaguzov B.T., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Chalaya O.V., Candidate of Physico-Mathematical Sciences, Kukalo L.I., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), 1 PhD (Amenova A.A.), 9 Masters of Sciences (Zhunusova A.K., M.P.S., Kapasheva J.K., Master of Arts., Druzhinina N.V., M.P.S., Khamitova S.A., Master of Arts., Mukatai A.B., M.F.S., Akhmetgalina N.S., Master of Arts., Babashaikova A.A., M.P.S., Asanova K.A., M.F.S., Kuanyshbekova A.B., M.P.S.)

At the department, 2 teachers completed their PhD studies under the program 8D01100101 "Pedagogy and Psychology" (Kapasheva Zh.K.), 8D02306001 "Philology" (Khamitova Sh.A.)

In order to conduct scientific and methodological research, the Competence Development Center has been operating at the department since October 2023. The Center, based on a cooperation agreement with the Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after M.Tank, began its activities in the following areas:

- study of the peculiarities of the formation of psychological and pedagogical competence of teachers of higher education institutions of a technical profile in the context of continuing education;

- preparation and publication of joint monographs, methodological manuals and scientific articles;

- conducting scientific and methodological seminars, trainings and conferences.