Public services:

  1. Documents acceptance and enrollment to the higher educational institutions on educational programs of higher professional education
  2. Documents acceptance and enrollment to the higher educational institutions for postgraduates educational programs
  3. Transfer and reinstatement of students in higher educational institutions (submit an application online)
  4. Acceptance of documents for participation in the competition for study abroad, including within the framework of academic mobility
  5. Provision of free meals to certain categories of citizens, as well as to persons under guardianship and patronage (submit an application online)
  6. Issuance of duplicates of documents on higher and postgraduate education
  7. Provision of dormitories for students in higher educational institutions

- Awarding educational grants, as well as providing social support to students in higher education institutions

SSC’s Services:

(formed in the flow of 3th working days)

Form 10

Certificate at the place of requirement: on the military department of КРУ, in a dormitory, on work to the parents or students, in ЦОН for a postponement from military service, in the libraries of and other.
For ordering of certificate from pointing of sum of payment for educating or got grant, it is necessary to specify a sum in a book-keeping: new corps of 220 каб..

(formed in the flow of 3th working days)

 Application 4

Certificate for receiving state social survivors' benefits in the Centers for Social Assistance and branches of the NAO "State Corporation "Government for Citizens (GVCP).

Clarify which application you need 2 or 4 and only then order the certificate online.

(formed in the flow of 3th working days)

Application 2

Certificate for receiving state social survivors' benefits in the Centers for Social Assistance and branches of the NAO "State Corporation "Government for Citizens (GVCP).

Clarify which application you need 2 or 4 and only then order the certificate online.

(formed in the flow of 3th working days)

Application 29

Certificate for receiving state allowance for large families, allowance for an award-winning mother in the centers and branches of the NAO "State Corporation "Government for Citizens (GVCP).

Issuance of certificate to persons who have not completed higher and postgraduate education

(formed in the flow of 3th working days)

Application 3

Certificate for submission to the military enlistment office

When ordering a military certificate, you must bring your enrollment certificate or military ID card to the new building 222 cubicle (Human Resources)..

(formed in the flow of 3th working days)

Call-out certificate

To provide a workplace, on granting study leave for exams, internships, laboratory work, preparation and defense of a thesis (project), to attend contact classes

(formed within 3-5 working days)


Transcript - a document containing a list of passed disciplines for the corresponding period of study with an indication of the number of credits and grades according to the point-rating letter system of knowledge assessment.


Passport services

Services for employees:

The Learning Service Center has an e-government area where you can get government services within minutes.

Contact Information:

Head of the Student Service Center: 

Busheva Nadezhda Alexandrovna

t. 8-747-189-0316

30 Republic Ave, The main building of KSIU, office 229, Temirtau, Karaganda region
