Scientific activity


Head of the department
Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Associate Professor

Telephone: +8 (778) 941 05 32
Temirtau, Republic ave. 30,
educational A building,

office А-317а
Facebook, Instagram

Scientists of the department proactively conduct research activities in priority scientific areas.

The department develops research projects in the following areas:

- Development of synthesis technology and study of the biological activity of acetylene alcohol derivatives;

- Development of technology for producing foaming agents for flotation processes of non-ferrous metal ore dressing;

- Development of methods for the synthesis of oxy-quinoline derivatives;

- Synthesis of biologically active substances and study of their activity by inversion voltammetry.

Over the past 5 years, the faculty of the departmenthaspublished 6 monographs,more материалthan 50 papers at international and national conferencesях, and more than 40 статьейpapers in foreign журнjournals with a high impact factor included in the WoS database.Students of the Department have obtained 16 patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan and 2 Eurasian patents for methods, technologies and tools developed in the framework of research for their implementation.

Scientists of the department participate in the implementation of research projects under grant funding and в currently 3 applications have been submitted for 2024-2026. 2 young scientists took part in the competition for state degree prizes in the field of science for talented young scientists.

Students of the department actively participate in the research activities of the university. Every year, 45% of studentsand 100% of undergraduates of the department are involved in scientific research. Students develop innovative activities, have developed startup projects in the following areas:" Development of technology for obtaining cosmetics based on grape extract"," Development oftechnology средств по уходу for obtaining hair care products based on various phytocomposites","Development of technology for obtaining soap with various phytodefts".

Professors of the department Kabieva Saule Kazzhanovna, Merkulov Vladimir Vitalievich, Amanzhol Iztileu Amanzholuly were awarded letters of thanks from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for their contribution to the developmentof education and science. Kabieva S. K. and Merkulov V. V. were awarded the badge for their achievements in the field of science. According to the results of the university rating for 2022, V. V. Merkulov became the owner of the title "Best University Scientist".

Doctoral and master's students of the EP Chemical Technology of Organic Substances, within the framework of international cooperation, undergo internships at foreign universities under the scientific supervision of professors within the framework of the dissertation topic.

Master's student of the HTOV-21np group Erkinova Gulnura completed an internship at the School of Chemical and Biomedical Technologies of Tomsk Polytechnic University under the guidance of Professor, Doctor of Chemical Sciences. Slepchenko Galina Borisovna within the framework of her dissertation work - “Synthesis of acetylene alcohol derivatives and study of antioxidant activity.”

Doctoral student of the HTOV-22d group Dzheksembaeva Marzhan completed an internship at Tomsk State University at the Department of Organic Chemistry under the guidance of Professor A.A. Bakibaev. within the framework of the dissertation topic - “Synthesis-research and determination of the scope of acetylene glycols”.

Mendibaeva Anel doctoral student of the 2nd year of study in the EP Chemical Technology of Organic Substances, from February 16 to 29, 2024, is undergoing an internship at the Department of Organic and Environmental Chemistry of the School of Natural Sciences of the Tyumen State University, under the scientific supervision of a professor of the Department of Organic and Environmental Chemistry, Doctor of Chemical Sciences. Kulakova I.V. within the framework of the topic of the doctoral student’s dissertation work - “Synthesis, structure and properties of new nitrogen- and sulfur-containing polyfunctional derivatives based on aromatic pyridinecarboxylic acids”.

Scientific internship for students
